Friday, August 19, 2016

The First Week

In a nutshell, our school days are broken into three main parts - our morning basket time, our inside work, and our afternoon time outside in nature. Nature time is absolutely one of my favorite things about following Charlotte Mason. We are so blessed to live on a little bit of land - we have so much to explore right outside in our own backyard.

We had such a wonderful and relaxed first week, and I am overwhelmingly thankful that we get to do this! :)

Uke Practice. We weren't good this summer about uke practice, so he's having to relearn a bit!

Spelling lists I'm finding are much more enjoyable for Canaan on a chalkboard or when he spells for me out loud.

Art and an exercise on using imagination. This was Canaan's "Underground Den" for ants. :)

Written narration usually has been happening so far during Lainey's naptime.
So far I've been giving the boys a few options on what to narrate from what we have learned that day. 

Weaving on Grandma Marie's loom.

The boys also had a chance to make "Viking bread" entirely on their own. :)

The first page of another written narration from Canaan. 

Viking's had picnics, right?! :)

Checking out a puffball mushroom that cropped up after the rain.

Puddle jumping!

Lainey is the ultimate mushroom spotter. She has a gift. :)

Emptying his boots. :)

Worms found in the mud. 

One of the little squiggliers. 

Picking blueberries

Pick and eat. Then repeat. 

Climbing trees.

And helping each other climb trees. 

Jumping from a tree branch!

Ezra's turn  jumping!

A New School Year

We have kicked off a new school year!

Canaan is in the 1st grade, and both Ezra and Lainey are in preschool! We are starting our Charlotte Mason journey, with a little bit of Montessori phonics and math thrown in for the little ones. Just one week in and I am so amazed at the difference following Charlotte Mason has made for us all. I have found we have so much more peace, and we are accomplishing so much more than we were able to last year!

I am also getting to experience teaching the kids without the insomnia (paired with chronic fatigue) and pain that I have been experiencing for years (thank you, God!). This has made a huge difference and has enabled me to find so much more joy in our normal everyday!

In addition to our school at home, Canaan will again be going to a local Christian school two days a week while I am working, and we also have Ezra going three days a week to our church's preschool. He has the most AMAZING teacher and during orientation it was so surreal sitting in the same room that Canaan learned in just a few years ago. During that year in early 2014, we were matched with Lainey, and Canaan shared a "picture" of her on P / Pajama day! I dug up that little memory on our old blog here.

I'm SO excited about this year. It's amazing how this life you never expect is sometimes just around the corner. Homeschooling just fits us right now in this stage of our lives, and God has given me such a passion for teaching my kids. It's such a privilege and a joy to be able to have this time with them!